

I started working on crypto out of curiosity back in 2014-2015. A lot of my research pointed to either ruby, python or javascript. The first major framework I learnt was Meteor.js, which was pretty cool at that time for providing realtime data and reducing the learning curve. This also made it easier for me to get into smart contracts and fullstack.

I've gotten into golang and rust to a certain extent, while I still do hack on typescript stuff all the time.

Latest - 2021

I use nvim, tmux and a bunch of servers off vultr/hetzner to run experiments and etl jobs.

  • Made the move to golang around late 2020 and its paying off in multiples rn (April 2020)
  • Working with a lot of core eth stuff - assmebly, custom contracts, trying to automate complex things on-chain (deleveraging, DSProxy, create2 etc)
  • Slowly dipping my toes into things directly related to eth - kademlia, distributed peer tables, devp2p. This is super underexplored.
  • Learn't the importance of looking at the yellowpaper so I don't get half assed answers elsewhere (wtf bro you said etherium is the future)
  • Pipelining and data infrastructure is critical, even more so when it comes to crypto. Probably the single most important thing top of mind for me rn.
  • I usually roll my own infra (either kube or docker compose) on servers. Build and run nodes from source so I can mod them easily.
  • Turned my old CS:GO rig into a linux box, running i3 on there ocassionally
  • SpaceVim and Neovim save my life, and sanity.
  • Alacritty is a much faster, GPU backed terminal written in rust. Start using it. Now.